Under the Palms by Kaira Rouda

Under the Palms (The Kingsleys, #2)

by Kaira Rouda

During a weekend retreat, a powerful family plays a dangerous game of dark secrets and cold-blooded ambition in a novel by Kaira Rouda, USA Today bestselling author of Beneath the Surface.

Under the direction of the Kingsleys’ new president, Paige, the family has gathered for a weekend retreat at a luxurious Laguna Beach resort.

Still clinging to the hope of succession are the sons of Richard Kingsley, the family patriarch and CEO: John, the oldest, who’s clawed his way back from a dark tragedy, and Paige’s estranged husband, Ted, the golden boy. When Richard’s ex and his wayward daughter join the fray, Paige finds herself with two fast allies. They know a secret that could shatter the family legacy. Call it leverage, call it revenge, the Kingsley women believe they have the upper hand.

But as the power games begin, greater threats than the howling Santa Ana winds are coming. Because this weekend, amid so much greed and betrayal, no Kingsley is safe. It’s family. Watch your back.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars


Sequel Perfectly Flows From Prior Book. This is one of those books where everything I said about its prior book, Beneath The Surface, still feels spot on for this book as well. This is the continuing saga of one family and their business empire and the machinations as the patriarch of the family faces his coming death and everyone else is biting at the bit to become his chosen successor. The atmosphere switches from a yacht off shore near Catalina Island to a resort onshore... as the Santa Anna winds kick up, with all of their usual effects on both land and people (at least per so many books and even some real life reports I've seen, I've never lived in Southern California or indeed anywhere west of the Alabama/ Georgia State Line).  


Because this flows so perfectly from Beneath The Surface, you really do need to read that book first. But once you do, you're likely going to be glad that this book is already available - I read almost 130 books between reading them both as Advance Review Copies.  


Whatever you feel about dark family/ boardroom dramas is how you're going to feel about this series as it currently exists, as both books have really identical feels. Rouda actually did a truly superb job in doing so well with the first book and then managing to clone the stylings so effectively in this tale while telling a similar yet distinct tale the furthers the overall universe - and even allows for some intriguing possibilities for any potential Book 3.


Overall a very fun book, and also on the shortish side at under 300 pages. Very much recommended.

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  • 8 May, 2024: Started reading
  • 9 May, 2024: Finished reading
  • 9 May, 2024: Reviewed