Reviewed by bookstagramofmine on

5 of 5 stars


Thank you NetGalley and Interstellar Flight Press for the chance to read and review this book!

I absolutely love this collection. This was a refreshingly human take on AI and the transition from this into magic and time travel was amazing.

Pieces like "There Are No Hot Topics on Whukai" and "Communist Computer Rap God" are the kind of stories that stand out and should be published en masse for people to read; they are the kind of stories that make an author worth remembering. The later stories that more blatantly talk about genocide and the death of people also come at a fairly appropriate time, with the genocide in Palestine.

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Reading updates

  • 5 May, 2024: Started reading
  • 5 May, 2024: on page 0 out of 102 0%
  • 5 May, 2024: Finished reading
  • 5 May, 2024: Reviewed