Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Heart's Desire was another book that stood out favorably to me in its overall appearance.  I don't judge books by this, but do certainly take note when the author appears to have gone to extra trouble with the formatting.  The dividers between non-chapter divisions were large enough graphics to be distinguishable and the author was not afraid of using space to allow you to know that the next section was to be set apart from the previous one.  Well done, Andrea Boyd.  :-)

Aiden was the  hero of the story who has two adorable little girls.  His love for his daughters is super sweet.  Bailey is broken from multiple failed relationships.  Both have trouble trusting and both has issues where they need to learn to forgive.

There are some fun (annoying) supporting characters in the story.  Aunt Ginger is very interesting.  Bailey's mom is . . .  well, we won't go into that!

The story was filled with lessons on the need for forgiveness and the importance of not becoming bitter.  It was well told with the lessons happening quite organically and not forced.

(As an aside, from the description I thought this was a New Year's Eve story, but quickly realized that though it took place over all the winter holidays, it was not specifically a holiday story)

 This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I received this book for free from Andrea Boyd, Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 25 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 25 November, 2017: Reviewed