Nocturnal Academy by Ethan Somerville

Nocturnal Academy (Nocturnal Academy, #1)

by Ethan Somerville

Alice Dibble, about to start high-school, is accepted in to the prestigious Nocturnal Academy, a school for supernatural creatures. Alice is both overjoyed and horrified to discover that she is a vampire. To make things even more interesting, her worst enemy, Toby Thompson, has also been selected, and he is a werewolf. But before Alice can even start at the Nocturnal Academy she must come to terms with her new identity, defeat Toby's old bully friends who have discovered the truth about her, and expose a local coven that wants to raise the Demon-Lord Vladrakov.

Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

This was a funny read. I liked Alice and Toby. It reminded me a lot of [b:In Search Of The Time And Space Machine|20233313|In Search Of The Time And Space Machine (Max Remy Superspy #1)|Deborah Abela||685222] and my wishes for Max and Toby to get together. So this had a nostalgic feel. It wasn't fantastic but it was a solid fantasy/paranormal read and I think younger kids will really enjoy this.

The plot was interesting and I enjoyed the adventure that Alice and Toby went on. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2013: Reviewed