The Groovy Greeks by Terry Deary

The Groovy Greeks (Horrible Histories Collections, #2) (Horrible History) (Horrible Histories) (Horrible Histories 25th Anniversary Edition) (Horrible Histories TV Tie-in)

by Terry Deary

Why did dedicated Greek doctors taste their patients' ear wax? What did Roman soldiers wear under their kilts? Who had the world's first flushing toilet? Find out in this bound edition of two titles in the Horrible Histories series - The Groovy Greeks and The Rotten Romans.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

Eh.  Gross overuse of the word "Groovy" in the Greek part, and generally not as well laid out as the HH on World War I.  For me, that is.  For the teens it was written for, and as a teaching aid, it's great.  A lot of quizzes that were far more interesting than any I had to take in school during world history class.  I especially liked the sections where they described how to play the games of ancient Greece and/or Rome, and the sample Roman menu is a great idea of you're reading this with teens.  I personally plan on making a camera obscura with my niece one of these days.   As always for me, the cartoons in these books are the best bits.

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  • 28 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 28 February, 2018: Reviewed