Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Attitude and Spunk will get you the gold…

***4.5 Stars***

Katherine In Gold was a winner for me. I connected with the characters, loved the dialogue and finished it with a big smile on my face. We start off the story with Katherine looking at her life and deciding she needs to make some changes. The first and smartest decision is to kick her boyfriend to the curb. Goya is convinced he’s in love with Katherine. He’s an arrogant artist who thinks he’s better than everyone else. Unfortunately, Katherine’s only interested in one thing from Goya and it wasn’t his heart. Her lifetime dream of owning a coffee shop, becomes a reality when she finds a business partner in Holst.

Holst is getting over a very messy relationship. He’s not looking for love, but immediately feels an attraction for his business partner. Holst is ready to move on from his past and decides that Katherine might just be who he wants to move on with. There are a few deep and dark themes in this story that are handled beautifully by this author. Katherine has been hiding her anguish behind booze and sex. Holst can see her struggle and decides she needs to face her demons. When she tells him her secret, he handles it sensitively. We do not go back in history and see what has happened we just get a glimpse through Katherine’s explanations.

Holst and Katherine are smoking hot together. The dirty talking sex scenes are explosive. Holst has this way of instructing Katherine to get what he wants. It’s dominant without being insulting and if my hubby started talking to me that way…I’d stop wearing underwear.

This is a love story that was beautifully written. I loved the feelings this story brought out in me. These characters were real, their lives and their friends were people I can imagine meeting and J.B. Hartnett has made a world in Laguna Beach that I want to visit. I’ve finished this book on a high and I can’t wait for more.

This review and more can be found at

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  • 6 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 6 June, 2015: Reviewed