Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

I love everything written by Nalini Singh. Her stories are captivating and you just can’t help but fall in love with her characters.

Building his landscaping business is all Sailor Bishop has focused on for the last few years. He has plans and a goal which requires a lot of hard work in a short amount of time. Sailor also needs to succeed all on his own. His father was a taker. Abandoning him, his brother and his mother when he was just a little boy, and leaving them with absolutely nothing and unable to fend for themselves. Sailor refuses to ever be a taker.

So now is not the perfect time to meet the perfect woman. Especially an exquisite, curvy redhead whose parents had no time for her growing up. The first thing Sailor realized about Ísa is…okay to be honest, the first thing he noticed is her knockout curves, and then that gorgeous red hair that he wants to digs his hands into…so the third, yes, third thing that Sailor noticed was that Ísa takes care of everyone. Her younger siblings turn to her, not their parents when something goes wrong. Even Ísa’s mother turns to Ísa when she needs help with her business.

Ísa is always caring for someone, but who is caring for Ísa? Sailor wants to be the one to take care of Ísa. He would give anything to hold onto his spitfire, but in order to have her, he might just have to give up everything.

His business plan will require him to work from dawn to dusk, 7 days a week for the next year in order to have the money to expand. If he doesn’t, he could lose the opportunity of a lifetime. The problem is succeeding in his plans would leave Ísa feeling second best to Sailor’s business success, just like her parents always treated her.

As a gardener, Sailor know how important it is to care for delicate new growth and how easily it can die without constant nourishment. Asking Ísa to sit back and wait for him would kill the new and fragile feelings growing between them before they could truly take root.

To succeed with an opportunity of a lifetime, Sailor might have to give up a love of a lifetime. Which will he walk away from?

I love Nalini Singh’s characters and this story is no exception. The romance is sweet, and the story balances nicely between fun and touching.

If you want a little more of Sailor and Ísa once you are done, they pop up in brother, Gabriel’s story, Rock Hard which was book 2 in the Rock Kiss series.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2017: Reviewed