Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I never imagined I would have enjoyed this book as much as I did. This book first came on my radar when the publisher contacted me asking for an honest review. I found the premise intriguing and figured why not try it. It was indeed a great choice. Suspense, murder and intrigue served with a dash of romance had me turning the pages of Widows in Law.

The story introduced three females, Lauren a family lawyer, Jessica, a former ER nurse and Emily a teenager. The one thing they have in common is Brian, a lawyer who died under suspicious circumstances. Was it an accident, murder or suicide? (Read the book to find out.) Brian is Lauren’s ex-husband, Jessica’s husband and Emily’s father. The relationship between Lauren, Emily and Jessica as you can imagine was adversarial, but the death of Brian brought about changes, which led to them working together to secure their future finances and preserve their lives. They found themselves caught up in a world of illegal gambling, mobsters, smuggling and weapons trafficking

Forced to spend time working together Lauren and Jessica discovered they had a lot more in common than they thought and an unlikely bond developed as a result. They both had troubled pasts and have had their share of pain and loss. Emily came with her own personal baggage. Drugs, skipping school and all the trouble a teen could get into dogged her footsteps. Together they would learn that their ex-husband/husband/father was not the man they thought him to be.

The prologue promised a suspenseful read, and the story delivered just that as it had me turning the pages. Soon all three females would find themselves in some sticky situations. Faced with the threat of death and imprisonment, they would fight to stay one-step ahead of the criminals and the police. The story flashed back to scenes prior to Brian’s death. This helped me to understand the chaos he left behind and the repercussions it had for those he left behind.

I found the villains unimpressive. The story hinted at them being bad, but I had difficulty seeing them in that light, as they were one-dimensional.

I enjoyed the action, which I found thought was well written. The romantic interest came as a surprise, but I loved how the author blended it with everything that was taking place.

The story ended on a shocking note. It provided the answer I sought, but it left me wondering what next.

Fans of mystery, thriller and suspense novels will enjoy Widows in Law.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2019: Reviewed