The Testament by John Grisham

The Testament

by John Grisham

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER In a plush Virginia office, a rich, angry old man is furiously rewriting his will. With his death just hours away, Troy Phelan wants to send a message to his children, his ex-wives, and his minions—a message that will touch off a vicious legal battle and transform dozens of lives.

Because Troy Phelan’s new will names a sole surprise heir to his eleven-billion-dollar fortune: a mysterious woman named Rachel Lane, a missionary living deep in the jungles of Brazil.

Enter the lawyers. Nate O’Riley is fresh out of rehab, a disgraced corporate attorney handpicked for his last job: to find Rachel Lane at any cost. As Phelan’s family circles like vultures in D.C., Nate goes crashing through the Brazilian jungle, entering a world where money means nothing, where death is just one misstep away, and where a woman—pursued by enemies and friends alike—holds a stunning surprise of her own.

Don’t miss John Grisham’s new book, THE EXCHANGE: AFTER THE FIRM!

Reviewed by remo on

3 of 5 stars

Sí, estimados lectores. El verano da para muchas incursiones lectoras en la literatura kleenex de "pasar un rato entretenido". Y este verano yo me he forrado con John Grisham. Mi planning diario durante los meses de julio y agosto ha sido doce horas de tesis y dos de lectura. Y el resto, pues tiempo libre.
John Grisham escribe bien. Entretiene. Es capaz de crear una trama creíble (más o menos) y luego desarrollarla sin que el lector se aburra. A mí me gusta. En esta ocasión, un tipo multimillonario casca y sus seis hijos, balas perdidas todos ellos, se abalanzan como escualos sobre la pasta. Pero el viejo ha nombrado un heredero sorprendente. Y allá que se van los albaceas del testamento a intentar encontrar al heredero para ver qué opina sobre haber heredado once mil millones de dólares. El final, como siempre. Muy a lo Grisham. En tonos pastel, vaya. Mi nota: Entretenido.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 September, 2005: Finished reading
  • 17 September, 2005: Reviewed