Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

A tasty treat

Sweet Melody is delightful and filled with romance.

Lindsay was still reeling from the destruction of her parents' dream closely followed by their death. Feeling compelled to have her bakery succeed to preserve their legacy, she did all that she could. One problem after another seemed to impede her progress.

Rhett felt rejection from his father ever since his mother died when he was a young boy. He never felt he was good enough and did feel like he was constantly being compared unfavorably with his stepbrother, Adam. Broken, yet determined to win his father's respect and favor, he took on a barista position at Lindsay's bakery.

Rhett's heart struggled to choose between pleasing his father and pursuing his growing attraction to Lindsay. This just sounds wrong but I enjoyed seeing his dilemma and how torn he was! When reading about his feelings of rejection and inadequacy, I felt like I was experiencing them myself!

Lindsay's grief and frustration as things appeared to fall apart around her were equally real. Her devastation when she found out who Rhett was, though she didn't give him a chance to explain, made me sad for her.

While I knew some of the things were going to happen, after all, they really had to, there were surprises along the way and I didn't expect everything to work out just like it did. Rhett's overture to win Lindsay back made me want to cheer!

Sweet Melody was very enjoyable. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys sweet romantic fiction.

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 10 September, 2019: Reviewed