Reviewed by thelostbookmark on

4 of 5 stars


"Hire me if you can: 666 dirty secrets to recruit top growth hacking talent before your competitors do"... is what I call an informative read. I rate it 4 out of 5 stars. It certainly gets points for its lengthy, creative title. It took me a while to wrap my head around the concept of 'growth hacking', but I think I get the general idea behind it, by now. Overall, this book is a decent book that takes you step-by-step, through a successful hiring process. Its goal is to assist persons in hiring positions in identifying the right candidates that would help their business, or organization, to thrive. In so doing, it helps them to maximize their time and resources as leaders. Although it focuses on growth hacking specifically, I get the sense that these techniques can be applied to other areas in business development as well. Once initiated correctly, I'm sure that these hacks can be very beneficial to managers and CEOs.

In general, the book itself is quite fascinating. Readers can take their time going through the wealth of knowledge in this book and not get bored. There are some useful resource links; like job boards and URL submission sites, that have also been included in the book. As a whole, this book is certainly worth the read. It contains a lot of business-related jargons; but even so, it isn't overly complex to follow. I believe that most of the techniques are excellent ideas that the average person can understand and implement, with measurable success. I recommend this book to people in managerial positions, especially if their goal is to develop their workforce. People who are intrigued by the overall concept of growth hacking can also read this book since it may contain useful information and strategies on the topic.

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  • 3 November, 2023: Finished reading
  • 3 November, 2023: Reviewed