The Cayuga Island Kids Series by Judy Bradbury, Gabriella Vagnoli

The Cayuga Island Kids Series (Cayuga Island Kids)

by Judy Bradbury and Gabriella Vagnoli

An ideal way to teach information literacy and leadership skills to 1st to 4th graders—using chocolate chip cookies and glitter pens!

The Cayuga Island Kids are five big-hearted friends who solve mysteries and have wonderful adventures together. They are fact detectives who follow clues, find answers, and puzzle out solutions. Above all, they are kind, helpful, smart, and resourceful kids who have lots of fun together.

In Book 1 the Kids hunt for a certain kind of tree and instead unearth a cannonball. As they hunt for clues and follow leads, the inquisitive and adventurous fact detectives discover that the island they live on is home to both history and mystery.

In award-winning Book 2, the Kids rescue a mallard and pull plastic bottles out of the creek. How they bring the community together to build a recycling bin big enough to hold plenty of plastic makes for a lively adventure. Brainstorming, teamwork, and recycling lead to the realization that although we are each just one person, together we can make a BIG difference!

In Book 3, Julian and his dad are trying to make perfect chocolate chip cookies when glitter pens go missing at school. Clues point to a suspect, but when they encounter misinformation and disinformation, the importance of not jumping to conclusions becomes clear.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4.5 of 5 stars


Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.

The Cayuga Island Kids Series is a 3-in-1 volume set of mystery books for kids by Judy Bradbury. Released in this volume 1st Sept 2023, it's 300 pages for all three books and is available in paperback and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links throughout. 

This is a well written set of illustrated books aimed at early readers (~7-9 years). They have an emphasis on problem solving, critical thinking, reasoning, and cooperation. The protagonists are 5 youngsters who all have distinct personalities and strengths. The adventures are all age appropriate and well written. 

This would be a superlative choice for public or school library acquisition. There's a companion guide for educators available from the author and the publisher to facilitate discussion and deeper understanding of the stories. 

They are well illustrated throughout by Gabriella Vagnoli. Her simple and whimsical style complements the narrative very well and the pictures are full of small details which invite a closer look. 

It's a positive feature of the books that the 5 friends who are the main characters have different strengths which complement one another as well as that they're from different ethnic and family backgrounds. Representation is so very important and it's nice that readers will find more than one main character to identify with. 

Four and a half stars. Well written, appealingly illustrated, age appropriate, and good storytelling. 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 22 October, 2023: Started reading
  • 22 October, 2023: Finished reading
  • 22 October, 2023: Reviewed