Layers by Penelope Bagieu


by Penelope Bagieu

Pénélope Bagieu never thought she'd create a graphic memoir. But when she dusted off her old diaries (no, really - this book is based on her actual diaries!), she found cringe-worthy, hilarious, and heartbreaking stories begging to be drawn.

In Layers, Bagieu reflects on her childhood and teen years with her characteristic wit and unflinching honesty. The result is fifteen short stories about friendship, love, grief, and those awkward first steps toward adulthood.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars



Pénélope Bagieu's story is autobiographical and deeply compelling. Like many of us, she has hilarious, sweet, and bitter-sweet moments in her past, and now is her time to talk about it. To put her words to page, she first dug out her diaries, pulling them onto these pages for a refreshing take on her teen years and more.


Whew. When they promise an emotionally compelling read, they sure do mean it! Layers hits hard. It's beautiful and funny, so of course it hits hard. Pénélope Bagieu did a fantastic job here. Both the artwork and the story itself (her story) resonate.

I would probably urge a bit of caution when reading this one, as some of the events are, as I said, very relatable. If you're not in the right headspace to go through this journey with Pénélope Bagieu, take some time. You'll want to be in the right place for this one.

Biography Memoir
Emotionally Compelling

Trigger Warnings:
Animal Loss

Thanks to First Second and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  • 16 October, 2023: Finished reading
  • 16 October, 2023: Reviewed