Reviewed by lovelyreader on

5 of 5 stars


I'm completely new to the Norse mythology genre. Actually, that's not quite true. I have watched all the Thor films in the past. But this is the first Norse mythology novel I have ever read...and I must say, I'm deeply impressed by the writing in this book. Kenney Myers is a very gifted writer and this book gets 5 solid gold stars from me. Just to quickly recap, "Jon Bragg Scout's Honor" is a Norse mythology fiction about a teenager, Jon Bragg, who inherits god-like powers from Bragi, the Norse god of words, poetry, and music. Under his grandfather's tutelage, Jon gradually learns to wield this power. He has to battle giants and other mythical threats. Let's just say, he isn't the only one who inherits god-like powers from their Norse god ancestors. Jon gets assistance and support from others throughout this epic journey; namely his best friend, Marc, and his grandfather. He also makes new friends and develops new relationships along the way. Jon is hilarious, dorky, intelligent, and pretty much your average teen boy. But throughout the book, he matures a great deal. He becomes increasingly aware of the fact that he has been gifted with incredible abilities that he must learn to master, and then use these abilities to ward off evil and protect the people he cares about. I like Kenney Myers' writing style. It flows well, and the storyline is easy to follow. There are some nice plot twists thrown in there, which I quite like. This is a book that both teenagers and adults will enjoy reading, especially if they are already fans of Norse mythology novels. It's free from coarse language and mature situations, so this is a great book to gift to teens, or include in the Young Adult section in libraries. Have fun reading it! I certainly did.

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  • 12 October, 2023: Reviewed