Reviewed by lovelyreader on

5 of 5 stars


If you're in the mood to read an exciting children's fantasy novel, well look no further. "Wilhelmina Quigley: Magic School Dropout" is the perfect book to satiate your reading needs. It has a splash of everything, which makes it a solid 5-star children's book. It's a perfect mixture of comedy, fantasy, adventure, mystery, and suspense. Wilhelmina Quigley is the star of this 'show'. She's a fourteen-year-old half-witch. But unlike Sabrina the teenage witch, our little witch-ling is struggling to get her witchy powers under control. One mishap leads to another, and poor Wilhelmina is held responsible for setting her class on fire. The witches' Council isn't too pleased. Tired of Wilhelmina's shenanigans, they seek to dole out a harsh punishment, once and for all. But with her grandmother's intervention, she is banished into the regular world, where her non-magical mother resides.  


This isn't your regular teenage witch novel, though. Oh, no, no, no. It's much more complicated than that. You see, Wilhelmina's mother is acting strangely, and Wilhelmina intends to figure out why. Additionally, her father, who is believed to be dead, may not actually be deceased after all. She sets out to investigate these strange phenomenona. In fact, there's a series of strange, unexplainable occurrences happening around her. Will our young Nancy Drew, I mean, Wilhelmina Quigley ever uncover the truth regarding her father's disappearance? How do these strange events all connect? And who exactly is the mastermind behind it all? Trust me, you're going to want to find out. I appreciate Liese Sherwood-Fabre's writing style. She is able to effectively bring life to Wilhelmina's character, and then build a realistic world around her. Her writing is very descriptive, but not overly complex or wordy. She says what needs to be said, exactly when it needs saying. Her writing is precise, and impeccably so. If you like children's fantasy novels, with a bit of mystery in between, then this book is worth the read.

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  • 12 October, 2023: Reviewed