Reviewed by lovelyreader on

5 of 5 stars


"Memoirs of a Doctor" is eloquently penned by the author, Dr. Andrew C. S. Koh. The book serves as an autobiography of Dr. Koh’s entire God-guided, earthly journey. It spans from his birth in Tanjong Malim, Malaysia, in 1952, to his retirement from the medical field in 2020. It highlights key moments of his life, such as his birth, his meager yet humble childhood, his familial relationships, his early school years, his interaction with childhood peers, the loss of loved ones due to mental health or physical illnesses, his academic achievements, his university life, his relationship with God, his development within the wider spiritual community, glimpses of his marriage and family life, his career advancements entwined with spiritual development, and finally, one of his most challenging spiritual tests of all—recovering from a spinal injury.

Dr. Koh’s life experiences serve as an impactful spiritual testimony; especially to unbelievers and babes in Christ, that God’s glory is always operating in the background and forefront of our lives, regardless of our awareness of Him. The book also highlights this foremost, essential truth: only after we develop a personal, active, and consistent relationship with God can we wholly be directed to achieve our full spiritual potential.

This book will encourage and guide readers to achieve their personal goals while developing and maintaining their faith, especially in the face of persistent adversities. In fact, throughout the book, the author’s faith in God serves as both an anchor and a support that keeps him going despite the various life challenges that he faces. Thus, through his faith, the author is able to live an industrious and purposeful life.

In terms of the book’s creative style, the author includes quotes from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, biblical scriptures, photos, and self-composed poetry. These elements serve to add symbolic insight and context to each new chapter. All in all, I rate this book 5 out of 5. I truly enjoyed reading it. It is deep, captivating, memorizing, and thought-provoking. The author’s writing style (and use of jargon) isn’t too complex to follow. His writing style is relatively easy to digest. The book is uncomplicated and gets straight to the point. I would recommend it to teens, young adults, mature adults, and even parents who are seeking guidance in their own spiritual journey. Regardless of where you are in your own spiritual journey, you will find something relatable and inspirational in this book. Even Bible-study groups will benefit from the various life lessons depicted in this book. So, add it to your "must read" collection today and give it a thorough read-through. You’ll be glad you did.

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  • 12 October, 2023: Reviewed