Flying WItch 3 by Chihiro Ichizuka

Flying WItch 3 (Flying Witch, #3)

by Chihiro Ichizuka

A Slice of Magic

Makoto and her cousins visit a café run by a witch that’s cloaked in magic and has regular visitors from folks on the “other side.” Inukai stops by to make amends, and Nao gets a taste of some spicy medicine. Akane drops by just in time for a very special sighting of a rare, sky-borne animal...

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars



Makoto Kowata is a witch. Or rather, she's a witch in training. As such, she has packed up all her belongings (and cat) to live with distant relatives. It's a bit of a family tradition – a way of sending young witches out into the world - but in a gentler way.

Makoto is getting better about using her magic – especially when said magic lets her indulge her more curious nature. Recently, she and her cousins traveled to a witch cafe, where they met a lovely ghost and another witch in training.


This series is just as sweet and charming as I remember! Granted, it hasn't even been a month since I read the second volume, so there's that...Anyway! I'm still enjoying this witchy slice-of-life tale.

However, it did feel like Flying Witch Vol. 3 is a bit slower than the previous two volumes. Perhaps the series is still settling? Or maybe it was the mood I was in. That said, I am pretty curious about the new cafe (well, new to us) and the characters it introduced. It'll be interesting to see where that leads!

Flying Witch is the perfect series for supernatural fans looking for a light and casual read. This series is heavily character-driven and doesn't ever feel the need to rush around from one place to the next. So settle in and get ready for a relaxing adventure!

Witchy Tale
Cat Familiar

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  • 11 September, 2023: Finished reading
  • 11 September, 2023: Reviewed