I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I don't get into books when I read them while traveling. That may be why I could barely tell the difference between Rachel's two friends and sometimes Rachel also. Or it may be that they weren't well developed. It may have also been the writing which is decent enough but also has cliches and awkward turns of phrases that don't work. Also, what's up with the internal monologue followed by “she said as much” which leads into conversation. Why not just say it in dialog?
But mostly my biggest problem with this book wasn't the story (which was an interesting premise). I had two problems with the main character.
First, Laureano makes her unlikable in the beginning. Ok, not entirely unlikable but off-putting and brusque. I think part of that was contrived to set up the story. And part of it is the cliche that focused and ambitious women are unlikable. But a woman can be driven and still likable. When female writers write this cliched character I feel like we should do better. And I don't enjoy reading them.
Second, Rachel has this perspective that when strong women get involved with a man they become hollow, weak shells of themselves. The problem is, this is presented as a truth, not as a lie the character believes and needs to overcome. So it felt for most of the book that this was a perspective presented by the author as an accurate reflection of life. Which offended me. I've seen lots of strong women become more in a relationship rather than less. Combined with Rachel's off-putting manner it didn't speak well for author's vision of women.
Until, the source of Rachel's perspective is revealed and we get that overcoming that lie is part of her arc. But making that reveal so late in the game, without reflecting that it's a lie from her friends or indicating it to the reader in some way was bad form. It made the book aggravating to read. Also, without that clarification it's presented as a statement of truth and that's a dangerous “truth” to repeat throughout the book. Because attributing the idea that women become lesser in a relationship to all women instead of abused women is not a small thing.
Also people act like someone mentally and emotionally healthy, so strong and determined, gets into abusive relationships. That is a lie too. Her mom was married to a drunk which means she was broken herself in some way. Without serious work that same broken part of her is going to drive her into other abusive relationships.
And I HATE the hallmark formula. It is so, so, so tired and DUMB. She gets marginally likable and then goes and ruins it. Hate her all over again. Being inside her stupid, wrong thinking, head is actually painful.