Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

As soon as I started reading Summer Unplugged, I was like “holy crap, I am in teenager hell!” Bayleigh (horrible spelling) most definitely sounds like an authentic teen who thinks the world is out to get her and believes that her cellphone is her lifeline to….well, life. Even after her mom catches her sending a half-naked photo to her kind of boyfriend, Bayleigh just cannot stand to be without that phone! But her mom sends her off to her Grandparent’s for the summer, where there is nothing around but crops and cattle. And a hottie named Jace.

Summer Unplugged was okay. I did find Bayleigh annoying, even if I found her completely realistic. But she really does mention missing her phone on practically every other page. It’s not like I expected her to do a 180 in these 120 pages, but it was a bit much. I was glad that she did find better ways to spend her time, but the romance felt really rushed. Especially with that cliffhanger ending. I don’t think I care enough about Bayleigh to want to know what comes next for her upon returning home. Hopefully not more sexting though.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 18 June, 2015: Reviewed