Liar, Dreamer, Thief by Maria Dong

Liar, Dreamer, Thief

by Maria Dong

Katrina Kim may be broke, the black sheep of her family, and slightly unhinged, but she isn't a stalker. Her obsession with her co-worker, Kurt, is just one of many coping mechanisms-like her constant shape and number rituals, or the way scenes from her favorite children's book bleed into her vision whenever she feels anxious or stressed.

But when Katrina finds a cryptic message from Kurt that implies he's aware of her surveillance, her tenuous hold on a normal life crumbles. Driven by compulsion, she enacts the most powerful ritual she has to reclaim control-a midnight visit to the Cayatoga Bridge-and arrives just in time to witness Kurt's suicide. Before he jumps, he slams her with a devastating accusation: his death is all her fault.

Horrified, Katrina combs through the clues she's collected about Kurt over the last three years, but each revelation uncovers a menacing truth: for every moment she was watching him, he was watching her. And the past she thought she'd left behind? It's been following her more closely than she ever could have imagined.

A gripping page-turner, as well as a sensitive exploration of mental health, Liar, Dreamer, Thief is an intimate portrayal of life in all its complexities-and the dangers inherent in unveiling people's most closely guarded secrets.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

3.5 of 5 stars


Book Summary:

Katrina Kim has what some would call a unique personality. She tends to obsess with things as a way of coping with life. Her current obsession happens to be a person – one of her coworkers. Yeah, it's not exactly appropriate, but that's Katrina's life in a nutshell.

Little does she know that this obsession will quickly send her life into absolute mayhem. After witnessing his death, Katrina can't seem to get anyone to believe her. So naturally, that means she has to investigate all on her own.

My Review:

If there's one thing I can say about Liar, Dreamer, Thief, it's that it is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most unique novels I've ever read. There were times I loved this book and times I was utterly confused by it.

The mystery is strong in this novel, particularly as we can't quite trust Katrina's perspective or even what she's saying. Unreliable narrators can muddy the water, huh? I'll admit that overall, Liar, Dreamer, Thief had a bit of a slow start, but once things get rolling, you'll find yourself hooked.

I will give significant points for the detailed portrayal of Katrina's rituals. However, those scenes will likely be one of those things that readers either love or hate.

Unreliable Narrator
Black Sheep

Trigger Warnings:
Mental Health Concerns

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