Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 3.5 Stars
With this book, we say goodbye to the Ramirez and Monroe families, and it was a fine farewell.

This book focuses on the romance between the two youngest siblings, Mateo and Jessica. They had met previously, and there had been a little spark, and finally they were together at Highbanks. As with the previous books, there are some BIG issues involved in the plot. I liked that Lane selected this issue as one of the focal points, because it's an issue that demands open and honest discussions. Jessica's trauma was so real, and I loved the way everyone rallied and supported her. Teo also had to adjust to college life, and keep his diabetes under control as well. Again, family and friends were there to lend support, and encourage him to make good choices when it came to his health.

Then, there was the beautiful friendship between Mateo and Jessica. The way they valued each other and treated each other was quite special. Teo helped Jessica heal, and Jessica helped Teo feel that there was more to him than his diabetes. He helped her through her nightmares and PTSD episodes. She encouraged him with his music and helped him not feel "less than".

The real treat for us Blocked fans was the ending. The story for this book wrapped up before the ending, but Lane gave us a few more chapters. Those chapters were just for the fans. They gave us closure, and let us get a peek into the future of our three couples. Yeah, I smiled a lot those last few chapters.

Overall: a great ending to an NA series I throughly enjoyed.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2016: Reviewed