Shenanigans by

Shenanigans (Valdemar, #16)

This sixteenth anthology of short stories set in the beloved Valdemar universe features tales by debut and established authors and a brand-new story from Lackey herself.

The Heralds of Valdemar are the kingdom's ancient order of protectors. They are drawn from all across the land, from all walks of life, and at all ages--and all are Gifted with abilities beyond those of normal men and women. They are Mindspeakers, FarSeers, Empaths, ForeSeers, Firestarters, FarSpeakers, and more. These inborn talents--combined with training as emissaries, spies, judges, diplomats, scouts, counselors, warriors, and more--make them indispensable to their monarch and realm. Sought and Chosen by mysterious horse-like Companions, they are bonded for life to these telepathic, enigmatic creatures. The Heralds of Valdemar and their Companions ride circuit throughout the kingdom, protecting the peace and, when necessary, defending their land and monarch.

Table of Contents:
  • "Tricks And Traps," Jennifer Brozek
  • "A Brother’s Promise," Kristin Schwengel
  • "Causing Trouble," Dylan Birtolo
  • "All Around the Bell Tower," Stephanie Shaver
  • "Reminiscent," Paige L. Christie
  • "Life’s Little Pranks," Ron Collins
  • "Fool’s Week," Anthea Sharp
  • "The Companion Sting," Charlotte E. English
  • "Love, Nothing More, Nothing Less," Brigid Collins
  • "A Cry of Hounds," Elisabeth Waters
  • "Fowl Play," Fiona Patton
  • "The Boy Who Cried Kidnap," Dayle A. Dermatis
  • "Trap Spell," Louisa Swann
  • "One Trick Pony," Diana Paxson
  • "Companion’s Lesson," Brenda Cooper
  • "A Bouquet of Gifts, or The Culinary Adventures of Rork," Michele Lang
  • "Of Ghosts and Stones and Snow," Phaedra Weldon
  • "Pranks For the Memories," Dee Shull
  • Shin’a’inagins, novella by Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon

Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars


As someone who’s been (re)reading the books of Valdemar continuously since 1986, they’ve become part of the fabric of my life. So any chance I have to delve into the world of Valdemar, I take it and I love it!

This anthology is a fun collection of stories centered on the theme of, well, shenanigans. Many of the stories featured familiar characters from other mini-series established throughout the anthology series, but there were many new ones, too. A lot of the stories are set in and around the Collegium, appropriate as this is the place where so many trainee bards, heralds, and healers come as youth. So much of the world of Valdemar is rather series, so this is a lovely lighter side that I really enjoyed.

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Reading updates

  • 5 February, 2023: Started reading
  • 17 February, 2023: Finished reading
  • 4 April, 2023: Reviewed