Persuasion by Jane Austen


by Jane Austen

'All the privilege I claim for my own that of loving longest, when existence or when hope is gone.'. Anne Elliot's heartfelt words strike the keynote of Jane Austen's last completed novel. It features a heroine older and wiser than her predecessors in earlier books, and its tone is more intimate and sober as Jane Austen unfolds a simple love-story. She described her heroine in a letter as 'almost too good for me': Anne Elliot's goodness is not of the cloying kind, but an unsentimental quality that, combined with stoicism and integrity, enables her to find happiness in...Read more

Reviewed by e_rodz_leb on

5 of 5 stars

An old favorite

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  • 5 December, 2013: Reviewed
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  • 5 December, 2013: Reviewed