Reviewed by Kim Deister on

4 of 5 stars


I think the unsung best character of this book must be Paul, Evian’s familiar, a toad who has a weakness for margaritas. He’s snarky as hell and a perfect comedic foil to the murder mystery at hand. Evian inadvertently finds the body of a beauty pageant contestant, who until her death was poised to bag her 60th win. That alone provides a possible motive for her murder. But Evian, a local radio station owner looking to increase her audience, decides there’s more to the story and decides to investigate. Lots of twists and turns make this a fun one to read!

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Reading updates

  • 3 December, 2022: Started reading
  • 11 December, 2022: Finished reading
  • 22 December, 2022: Reviewed