Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Hooked is a little novella that takes place at the same time as Level Up and follows Stacy. We met her as Adam and Tessa's super hot office manager who is sick and tired of being asked out all of the time. Now we know why. She's taking a year off from dating after her last boyfriend took her for $200,000 under false pretenses. He's in jail and she's under the careful eye of her parents whom hold her trust fund. In walks Rodney who respects Stacy's choice not to date, and yet ends up as her fake boyfriend!

I liked Hooked, and really liked how it took place over just a couple of days surrounding New Year's rather than shoving weeks into 60 pages. We also know that I'm a huge fan of the fake relationship turned real, although there is quite the hilarious twist with that. Stacy isn't going to just pretend she has a boyfriend, oh no she's not! The one thing that I didn't like, and felt like didn't need to be included in a story this short, was Stacy telling Rodney to work hard to show her that he's really interested and not just trying to take advantage. The very next chapter has them getting together! Where did he prove anything?! Other than that, this was a fun and enjoyable quickie.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 6 February, 2016: Reviewed