LIFEL1K3 (Lifelike) by Jay Kristoff

LIFEL1K3 (Lifelike) (Lifel1k3, #1)

by Jay Kristoff

From the coauthor of the New York Times bestselling Illuminae Files comes the first book in a new series that's part Romeo and Juliet, part Terminator, and all adrenaline.

On an island junkyard beneath a sky that glows with radiation, a deadly secret lies buried in the scrap. Seventeen-year-old Eve isn't looking for trouble--she's too busy looking over her shoulder. The robot gladiator she spent months building has been reduced to a smoking wreck, she's on the local gangster's wanted list, and the only thing keeping her grandpa alive is the money she just lost to the bookies. Worst of all, she's discovered she can somehow destroy machines with the power of her mind, and a bunch of puritanical fanatics are building a coffin her size because of it. If she's ever had a worse day, Eve can't remember it. The problem is, Eve has had a worse day--one that lingers in her nightmares and the cybernetic implant where her memories used to be. Her discovery of a handsome android named Ezekiel--called a "Lifelike" because they resemble humans--will bring her world crashing down and make her question whether her entire life is a lie. With her best friend Lemon Fresh and her robotic sidekick Cricket in tow, Eve will trek across deserts of glass, battle unkillable bots, and infiltrate towering megacities to save the ones she loves...and learn the truth about the bloody secrets of her past.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Caffeinated Reasons to Read or Listen to LIFELIK3

  • Wowzers! This story was intense and as I have come to find with this author, the world-building was amazing. The story centers around seventeen-year-old Eve, who survived a horrific event and lives with her ill grandfather. Eve has a cybernetic implant and builds and fights in gladiator type arenas against robotic machines. Cool right? Only Eve cannot remember all of her past and when she meets Ezekiel she begins to question everything. The tale that unfolds was blazingly fast-paced and completely addictive with intense action scenes, battles, dangerous missions and more.

  • The world Kristoff has created reminded me of other worlds with its radiation, cyber-bots, big brother, gangs, corruption and secrets. Talk about feeding your inner nerd. This post-apocalyptic world is set in the United States where robots are enslaved and life-like androids are banned. Have you seen the talking human-like robotics being developed?   This story has a little of everything. Fans of Mad Max, Westwood, Fallout, Borderlands, and Terminator will want to grab this one! While this story is unique, it has a similar vibe to these stories and worlds.

  •  The characters and their interaction, banner and teasing were delightful. Eve's sidekick Cricket, a tiny AI bot who made me laugh, but could be cruel. Eve herself is fearless and kickass. She is very protective of the people in her circle and will readily fight for them. Lemon is Eve's best friend and lives in the same home. Can I just say I adored Lemon? Hilarious! Ezekiel is a lifelike and a character I truly liked. Lifelikes have been banned for breaking the three laws.

  • While this story is action-packed with plenty of twists it does feature a romance and this one pulled at my heartstrings. It is brilliantly done, swoon-worthy and made my heart flutter.

  • Kristoff delivers a story of oppression, social ladders, and love. While it may be about robots it certainly felt relevant to today's headlines. While at times it can be dark it also focuses on love and not just the romantic kind.

  • If you listen to the audio, you'll love it from the robot voices to Erin Spencer's pacing, tone, and fantastic vocals for these characters. She really captured the emotions, intensity, and reality of this tale which only enhanced my experience.

This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 20 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 20 May, 2018: Reviewed