Reviewed by pagesbycyndy on

4 of 5 stars


While this book is part of a series it may be read as a stand alone. With that being said , how could I have missed these books so far?? This is the first book that I have read from this author.

What a great mystery, it has just a touch of the paranormal and that is enough to have me wanting more. Giulia is a ex-nun who at this point in the series is married to Frank, a police detective and pregnant with their first child and runs Driscoll Investigations , a detective agency. Giulia is one tough and feisty pregnant lady, she got in more hair raising near miss serious accidents in this book and found a way to avoid injury! This is a fast paced story with some action (the near miss accidents). The characters in the book are quirky but very believable and I really liked Zane, Driscoll Investigations computer genius, he was constantly embarrassing himself with his accidental inappropriate comments and I found that charming. There were quite a few red herrings in this book , so many suspects and angles to consider and I have to admit I fell for a few of them. I found Elaine , the client who has a haunted house to be a very interesting character. Elaine suffers from serious childhood drama ans has many hangups, to be an interesting character and for some reason she seemed to be a bit distant to me, I could not really get a feel for her as a character. Giulia has to figure out who is trying to scare Elaine and find her too incompetent to run her company. The ending of the book was a huge surprise for me that I did not see coming,  although in hindsight when I dissect the characters maybe I would have guessed? Hmm no , I don't think so.


I loved the fact that this is a series but you may read it as a standalone. I am bummed that I have not read this author before but happy that I have quite a few books of Alice Loweecey to read. The story was fast paced with a great twist.This review was originally posted on Cindy's Book Binge

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  • 15 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 15 May, 2017: Reviewed