Darkest Temptation by Rachel Van Dyken

Darkest Temptation (Dark Ones Saga, #4)

by Rachel Van Dyken

I'm a werewolf King who chose to step down out of grief for my mate.

For centuries I've been alone, choosing to live a life of modesty despite the wealth surrounding me.

I deserve to be punished.

I crave things I have no business craving.

And it is manifesting itself in a way I'm terrified I won't be able to control any longer.

Especially since she arrived.

Vampire. Orphan. Beaten beyond recognition.

My blood calls to her in a way that makes no sense.

I'm a wolf.

She's a vampire.

The two don't mate.

They barely tolerate one another.

All it takes is one slip of control on my part — one taste.

And I doom us all.

Then again, I never knew what is lurking inside has the power to balance good and evil.

Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

It's been a while since I've read this series, so much that I missed the release of the third book, so I had to do a bit of re-reading before I dove into Mason and Serenity's story. With that being said, I think this one ranks as my favorite so far! Even though it can be read as a standalone, you should read from the very beginning since all the characters make appearances.

Awwww Mason, the werewolf king that constantly fights everything that's natural to him. He snacks on berries and hunts for pinecones, but that's enough to sate his appetite, when what he really wants is meat and something he craves even more, blood. Already having one mate who died, he believes there's no chance for another mate ... it just doesn't happen that way. But you can't deny when he sees Serenity, a vampire, for the first time his blood calls to her and vice versa.

Fighting against the fact that werewolves and vampires never mate, Mason fights so hard to keeps his distance. Serenity was found at the house's front gate, badly beaten and the need to be healed. And that's where Mason comes along, he's a healer. No matter how hard he tries to fight the pull towards Serenity, it's only a matter of time before the both of them give in.
Solitude used to be my peace, my...serenity. I jolted away from the counter as gasps fell from my mouth. Serenity. It was gone. My comfort in my loneliness was gone. Replaced with... Her.

And boy when they do, it's steammmmmmy. Who knew what grocery shopping could do to people ;-) That's what happens when you let things build up for so long, you'll be surprised with the fact that they don't give in earlier.

I loved that there was a bit of mystery to Mason and Serenity, we're constantly unraveling new things about these two that quite frankly surprised the heck out of me! But it worked out perfectly for this book and it flowed together quite nicely. Being a huge fan of the PNR genre, I appreciate it when the author adds their own personal touches to it creating a world where all immortals serve a purpose.
Every immortal has a created purpose. Wolves heal, we communicate with the stars. Vampires are better with their hands, able to seamlessly insert themselves in the human world and protect.

I'm such a fan of this series and Rachel Van Dyken, and she needs to do more PNR because they would be 1-clicks for me!

**ARC was provided for a fantastically honest review**

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  • 13 October, 2017: Reviewed