A Princess of Roumania by Paul Park

A Princess of Roumania (Princess of Roumania, #1)

by Paul Park

Miranda Popescu is a teenage girl living in a quiet Massachusetts college town. She is also a princess. Because she is at the fulcrum of a deadly political battle between conjurers in an alternate world where "Roumania" is a leading European power, Miranda was hidden by her aunt in our world. There are many in our world and in Roumania working to protect or to capture Miranda: her Aunt Aegypta Schenck, versus the mad Baroness Ceaucescu in Bucharest; the sinister alchemist, the Elector of Ratisbon, who holds her true mother prisoner in Germany. This is the story of how Miranda and her two best friends Peter and Andromeda are brought back to her home reality. Each will be changed in the process - and all will have much to learn about their true identities and the strange world they find themselves in.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

This is a complicated and involved story about a girl who grows up in our world and finds herself one day in another world, Her friends come with her but are changed by the change in worlds. She has to work out what her place in the world is and how to keep herself alive, also she has to find out what the clues left for her mean. She's unsure who to trust and whether the people she's trusting are real.

It's not a bad book but it didn't have me rushing out to find the next book in the series. What it did leave me with is an urge to find out more about that period and what "really" happened.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 August, 2008: Finished reading
  • 17 August, 2008: Reviewed