Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

There's a lot to unpack in this book. In some ways it hit the mark - the author nails teenage anxieties and insecurities and rambling thought processes - in other ways - I think it took on too much. There's bullying and depression and eating disorders, sexuality and sex and rape and skin disorders and anxiety and a side step to Schizophrenia and police brutality and it was just way too much. I was also concerned that the eating habits both girls display aren't particularly highlighted as being eating disorders. Or at least tackled with less concern than I thought it warranted.

That said, she really did hit the mark with the teenage voice. Actual teenagers will love it. I know I would've. Frankly this book made me anxious and tense to read - she hit it that perfectly. I related to different aspects of both girls and I felt sorry for all of the characters. It made me regress to my teenage mindset and I didn't like it one bit. That or I'm getting to old for young adult books.

The mystery was not what I suspected. I did work it out towards the end but only after it was practically laid out in front of me. I'll be interested to see what else this author comes up with. Unless it's more YA and then I might have to take a pass. 2.5 stars.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 January, 2021: Finished reading
  • 9 January, 2021: Reviewed