Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

Marvel Rising is a fun issue, with three supers all interacting with each other. They managed to get two big pulls for the series (Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl), as well as a character I don’t personally recognize (my guess would be that they invented her for this, but I could be wrong). They’ll probably be adding more supers throughout the series, or at least that’s the implication I’m picking up on.
It’s a pretty funny read, with a couple of more down-to-earth points being made, like online harassment, the treatment of women in video games, and doxxing. It’ll be interesting to see where this plot goes in the long run. Could this be the start of yet another team up? Squirrel Girl does love joining as many teams as possible…

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  • Started reading
  • 2 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 2 July, 2018: Reviewed