Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I was very pleasantly surprised by Rock the Heart, even after a bit of a rough beginning. Lanie is interning at her first marketing company after graduation. They have a new account lined up, but no one wants to deal with rock star egos, so her boss asks Lanie. Well, the lead singer of the band they'll be working with is Lanie's ex-boyfriend. She doesn't want to see him after she ripped his heart out four years ago, but she really needs to get her foot in the door so she can land her dream job. And so, Lanie heads out to meet with Noel Falcon, and tensions are certainly high!

My favorite part of Rock the Heart was probably the focus on two people trying to live their dreams but still have each other. Lanie had dumped Noel because she felt like he was more into starting his music career than her. She had no way of knowing that he'd actually make it big, and that he'd still want her after all this time. Meanwhile, she wants to be taken seriously at her new job, so there's no way she start dating her first client. Of course, the tables have been turned and now it's Noel who feels like he's coming in second to a career, but he's still willing to make it work. But then, there's a secret!

Rock the Heart entered into Jerry Springer levels of drama and I was totally into it! I'm a sucker for a good drama that doesn't feel melodramatic. There's a lot of hints dropped that something happened between Noel and one of his band-mates. I definitely didn't guess at what happened, but then it came out, and I was like wait a minute...And then there's another twist! And I was like, I kind of knew it! That was a big mess, but I was totally with Lanie on how she wanted nothing to do with the situation despite Noel's begging and pleading.

In the end, I really liked Rock the Heart. One issue that I tend to have with romances is that one partner always drops their dream to make the relationship work, but Noel and Lanie don't! Sure Lanie hits a bump in the road, but I think she ultimately makes the right choice. And it's not like she's giving up. At least I didn't get that impression. So yay!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 16 January, 2015: Reviewed