Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell

Farmer Duck (All Join in Story Plays) (Little Favourites S.) (Candlewick Press Big Book) (Read & Respond) (Candlewick Storybook Audio) (Little Books)

by Martin Waddell

There was once a duck who lived with a lazy, old farmer. How goes the work? the farmer asked the duck each day as he lay in bed, and the poor duck fetched and carried, dug and sawed, washed up and ironed. At last all the animals on the farm had had enough - and took action.

Reviewed by Briana @ Pages Unbound on

4 of 5 stars

I have mixed thoughts, so I'm going to have to ponder this one a little more. I get the message of "It's not fair for one person to do all the work while someone else does nothing," which should be straightforward enough for younger readers, but I also get how people are reading other things into it.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 23 May, 2017: Reviewed