An Illustrated History of Ghosts by Adam Allsuch Boardman

An Illustrated History of Ghosts

by Adam Allsuch Boardman

Get to the heart of unexplainable phenomena around the world in Adam’s third addition to the “llustrated History” series.

From private seances and ectoplasm to spiritual mediums and spirit photography, fans of conspiracy and strange phenomena will transport themselves across the centuries through diagrammatic illustrations paired with well-researched facts about exorcism, mediums, ghost photos, talking boards, and connections to after life.

Whether you are a ghost fanatic or simply piqued by curiosity, you'll get a robust deep dive into the experiences of paranormal occurrences, alternative explanations for these occurrences, and our culture's fascination with them. Prepare to embark on a strange journey that allows skeptical inquiry, or perhaps the possibility of believing in the afterlife!

Reviewed by pamela on

3.5 of 5 stars


This was gorgeously illustrated and a great introduction to ghost-hunting.  My only reservation was that the way it was written had a very "high school essay" feel to it. The prose could have been a little more professionally written with smoother transitions and better care taken to juggle reader interest and information.

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Reading updates

  • 22 August, 2022: Started reading
  • 22 August, 2022: on page 0 out of 128 0%
  • 4 September, 2022: Finished reading
  • 4 September, 2022: Reviewed