Mad, Bad and Dead by Sherryl Clark

Mad, Bad and Dead (Judi Westerholme, #3)

by Sherryl Clark

A dead employee. A missing child. Anonymous phone calls in the dead of night. Judi Westerholme's troubles aren't over yet...

Already struggling to juggle co-running the local pub with her childcare responsibilities for her orphaned niece, Judi does not need life to become any more complicated.

Yet, as usual, complications arrive in spades: she starts receiving threatening, late-night phone calls before discovering one of her employees, Kate, shot dead.

Judi finds herself caught up in a murder investigation, as well as the hunt for the Kate's fourteen-year-old daughter, who has been missing since the murder.

Add in the uncertainty of her relationship with Melbourne-based DS Heath and the fact that her estranged mother's nursing home keeps urging her to visit, and Judi might finally be at breaking point.

Reviewed by Kevin Cannon on


Mad, Bad and Dead is the third book in the Judi Westerholme thriller series. Our heroine finds herself struggling to co-manage a pub with the staff she is blessed with, a task made a darn sight harder when one of them turns up dead. Kate has been gunned down in her own house and her teenage daughter is now missing.

Throw in a series of anonymous threatening phone calls and you’ve got yourself a thrilling murder mystery manhunt with a fair sprinkling of mysterious suspects, tantalising red herrings and a race against time to find Kate’s daughter, catch a murderer and most importantly stay alive.

The main characters are nicely defined. They’re supported by a great mix of secondary characters all with their own issues and flaws.

A nicely paced plot and a slow release of clues gives the reader the chance to make their own minds up just who the villain of the piece is and if you’re like me you’ll almost certainly change your mind a few times along the way.

Definitely not one you’ll want to miss

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Reading updates

  • 3 September, 2022: Started reading
  • 3 September, 2022: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2022: Reviewed