I don't know what it is about Treasure Island, but I can't help but be drawn to it. It's one of very few classics that I enjoyed. Of course, I absolutely love Muppet Treasure Island, and I was completely obsessed with Black Sails. Now, A Clash of Steel can be added to my list of adored Treasure Island retellings. I was very excited for it, but also extremely nervous going into it. But that was unfounded because I was quickly hooked!
A Clash of Steel starts of a bit slow, but I liked Xiang right away. She's living in a small fishing village while her mother is off running her teahouses and selling salt. All Xiang wants is to see the city, learn the family business, and make her mother proud. She finally gets her chance when her mother agrees to take her to Canton to learn about running the teahouse there. This is when the story really picks up, and I didn't want to put it down.
If you're familiar with Treasure Island, I'm sure you can guess how the story unfolds. That doesn't mean A Clash of Steel is predictable. Not at all! This is its own complete story with interesting characters, adventure, and twists and turns. Aside from being set in China, there's also a sapphic romance between Xiang and the daughter of the captain she winds up sailing with to find a long lost treasure. It's super sweet to see Xiang come to terms with where her affections lie, since she's never realized that she could love another girl. It's just not something she was exposed to in her village. They're not the only queer couple either.
I just really enjoyed A Clash of Steel. I'm a huge fan of pirates, which is probably what drew me to Treasure Island in the first place. But there's something about this mysterious treasure that calls to me, as it did to Xiang. It's a fun adventure, and I was never sure how exactly it would end. It could have gone in any number of ways, but where it winds up was satisfying. I did wish for a bit more though, maybe an epilogue of where Xiang wound up. But as it stands, I fully recommend A Clash of Steel if you're looking for a feminist adventure.