Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

After falling madly in love with Some Like it Spicy, I was super excited to read Some Like it Sinful. While it didn't have that same wow factor, I still really enjoyed this delicious romance, where the curvy girl gets her man! We met Chloe in the first book as Ashton's friend and business partner, but now she's opening up her own bakery. It's her life's dream, but it doesn't go quite to plan thanks to a run in with hockey superstar, Griffin Lange. One reckless night lands Griffin with 300 hours of community service to be served at Chloe's bakery since her sister is the district attorney. The two butt heads immediately, but soon enough they find a way to make this arrangement mutually beneficial: fake dating! The publicity will help bring customers to her business, and it's the perfect cover up for his crimes and to save his reputation. Of course, they both get more than they bargained for.

I quite adored the romance in Some Like it Sinful. Enemies to lovers stories are always so much fun, especially when combined with the whole fake relationship thing. The attraction is definitely there between Chloe and Griffin, so it's not long before they decide to give a real relationship a try. At least one with an expiration date. Their scenes together are super steamy! There are actually plenty of sex scenes scattered throughout, since Griffin is convinced that he plays better afterward. They also have some really sweet and some heartbreaking scenes together, since they do break up, and get back together later because Chloe is afraid of becoming her parents. I just really, really liked these two together! Sexy sports star and chubby pastry chef for the win!

Some Like it Sinful also has a pretty good plot. It's not as fun and unique as Some Like it Spicy, but I still liked it. Chloe and Griffin are both struggling in their careers, but by the end they make things work, even if plans need to change. Chloe's business didn't start off with the bang that she hoped, since a large bakery chain is opening right across the street! Then there's some bad press, since of course, lying about a relationship to the media never ends well. Griffin is practically an octogenarian by professional sports standards, but he's desperate to lead his team to a Stanley Cup victory. But then things happen and maybe that's not a realistic goal anymore? Or is it? I know nothing about sports (neither does Chloe), but I liked Griffin enough to care about his problems, which is saying something!

I really liked Some Like it Sinful. It's fun and sweet and steamy, which is all I need in a romance. I adored all of the characters, and it was nice to see Ashton and Ty again. There also seemed to be a lot of set up for the following book. I assume it's going to be Jenna's book, since she's friends with Chloe and Ashton and received quite a bit of page time. At first glance it looks pretty obvious how her story is going to play out, but hopefully the author introduces a good twist!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 21 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 November, 2013: Reviewed