Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Can time keep them apart?

When Gareth is given the opportunity to visit the future, he has so many preconceived ideas about how ideal it will be. The author did a great job in showing his surprise at so many “modern” things. I loved the way he tried to pretend he wasn’t completely lost in our society.

I liked Catherine as well. She was passionate about helping her patients. She was also practical and fun. The way she figured out Gareth’s secret showed her intelligence.

Kate and Leopold is one of my favorite movies – in it, the hero travels to the present day from the past, though one a little closer to our time. Somehow, despite the fact that Leopold is extremely clever, it always seemed like he adapted a bit too quickly and too well.

The things Gareth marveled at made sense and his confusion at things Catherine said were sometimes humorous. I mean, how do you explain plastic surgery to someone from the 19th century? And the author took advantage of that conversation to share a Victorian beauty treatment that shocked our modern doctor (and me)!

If you enjoy time-travel stories, this one is well-done and could be a nice addition to your library. Though some of the characters (including Gareth) are from the first book in this series by this author, Against the Magic, the fact that it has been a while since I read it did not leave me at a loss for reading this one.

Between Stairs and Stardust is currently part of the Finding Ever After compilation, in which the stories are linked together through the fairy-tale book Stella illustrated. This collection spans one hundred years or so through the four stories. Keep an eye out for Between Stairs and Stardust’s release as a stand-alone paperback and an e-book. I will review the other stories in the collection in a separate post as well.

May you read happily ever after!

While I have heard it said that the fact we like to create is because we were made in the image of our creator, God, the ways in which this was expressed here was . . . well, magical! Anyone who has thought or heard that fiction is a waste of time or that it sets us longing for what we can’t have should read this book and hear the eloquent way in which the author expresses her thoughts regarding imagination aiding our faith.

Stella’s non-traditional manner of telling young Alice the story of Cinderella was delightful! Alice had never heard a fairy-tale before and her reaction and the ensuing discussion was such fun. The layering of the story within the story and how well they blended together was enchanting.

Read my full review with a Preview at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 15 February, 2019: Reviewed