Veil by Dylan Farrow

Veil (Hush, #2)

by Dylan Farrow

Shae’s entire world has been turned upside down, and everything she’s ever believed is a lie. More determined than ever, she sets out to the mysterious land of Gondal―a place forbidden to mention and resigned to myth―in search of a dangerous magical book that could alter the fabric of the world.

Following the trail of Ravod, the boy she thought she knew and trusted, Shae discovers there is far more to the young man who stole the Book of Days than she ever realized. Together, with her friends, Mads and Fiona, and a newfound ally in her fierce former trainer, Kennan, Shae crosses the borders of the only home she’s ever had and into a world ruled not by magic, but technology and industry ― one fraught with perils of its own.

In a world shrouded in lies, Shae is desperate for answers and to restore peace, but who will lift the veil?

Dylan Farrow's Veil is the thrilling sequel to Hush, one of the most talked about YA fantasies of 2020.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

3 of 5 stars


Veil is the second novel in Dylan Farrow's Hush series, and I love this cover. I know I say that a lot, but seriously, it's so pretty. I love the colors and the inky appearance of it. It's perfect.

Shae's whole life is a lie. People say that all the time, but it is pretty literal in her case. Driven by a need to fix things, she sets off on a quest for Gondal. Gondal will have the magic she needs to put everything back the way it should be with any luck.

The only way she'll be able to make it is to follow Ravod's trail. The thought is painful enough – the path more so. She learns more about the boy and his betrayal by following in his footsteps. Will the answers she seeks be worth all of this?

As somebody that enjoyed Hush, it is safe to say that I was looking forward to Veil. And while I did enjoy the sequel, I feel like it didn't have the same magic as the first. Maybe that is just me? Don't worry, though – I still fully intend to read anything else Farrow comes up with.

Once again, worldbuilding is what captivated my attention and imagination. That isn't to say that I disliked the characters – I'm just a sucker for a well-built fantasy world. In many ways, jumping back into this world felt like coming home. That tells me that I should probably go back and read Hush sometime in the near future.

The characters are also interesting, though I'm still craving a stronger connection with them. I'm listening to them from the other room – I can hear what they're saying, but I don't have a full emotional connection to any of it. I hope that makes sense.

Anyway, I did enjoy Veil, despite that complaint. I would happily read more in this series, given half the chance, if only for another opportunity to visit the world.

Thanks to Wednesday Books and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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