Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


Before I begin my review, I want to take a moment to talk about this cover: it is gorgeous! I'm in love. Seriously, if there was a print available for this beauty, I would buy it in a heartbeat. Moving on, Sanctuary is the latest novel by Andi C. Buchanan, though it is the first book I've read by them.

We've heard of foster homes for imaginary friends, but what about a sanctuary for ghosts? That is what Morgan's home has become. However, Morgan is not the occupant within this home. In total, there are four of them. Each has reason to feel like they don't quite fit in with society.

Perhaps this is why they opened their hearts and home to the lingering and lost spirits. After all, what is the point of finding a sanctuary if you aren't willing to share it with others in need? However, one day a shipment will change this perfect balance.

Sanctuary was such a delightful change of pace – and that's coming from someone who's read a fair amount of ghostly novels as of late. Sanctuary has something so unique that it's hard to put my finger on it.

If you love novels full to the brim of characters and personality, then the odds are good that you'll love Sanctuary. This book has so much of both. There are at least a dozen notable characters (most likely more – I didn't take the time to count). Not everyone likes that many characters, so it feels relevant to mention it earlier in my review.

I wouldn't have minded more time to get to know the characters. I know that this wouldn't have been possible for all of them (not without it turning into a multi-novel series), but at least three or four of them. By the end of the book, I knew a lot of them only a little bit. Which, for this novel, is perfectly fine. I just feel like it could have been more.

I absolutely adore that this book is primarily made up of LGBT+ and neurodivergent characters. It made their home feel like, well, a home and a sanctuary. It also helped make the novel feel that was as well – make it feel like a sanctuary.

Thanks to Robot Dinosaur Press and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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