Ask Me How I Got Here by Christine Heppermann

Ask Me How I Got Here

by Christine Heppermann

Addie has always known what she was running toward. In cross country, in life, in love. Until she and her boyfriend her sensitive, good-guy boyfriend are careless one night and she ends up pregnant. Addie makes the difficult choice to have an abortion. And after that even though she knows it was the right decision for her nothing is the same anymore. She doesn t want anyone besides her parents and her boyfriend to know what happened; she doesn t want to run cross country; she can t bring herself to be excited about anything. Until she reconnects with Juliana, a former teammate who s going through her own dark places.

Reviewed by shannonmiz on

1 of 5 stars

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight
I feel bad saying I hated this book but... I hated this book. Now, I was able to find a few things I did like, so that's good?

Thing 1: It did deal with tough issues, and that is always important.

Thing 2: It took me about 45 minutes to read, and who doesn't love that?

Thing 3: Some of the poems were pretty clever.

So what made this not work for me?

First, while it deals with tough topics, it deals with wayyy too many of them. It's almost like someone was playing Tough Topics Bingoâ„¢ and really wanted to win cover-all. Which is great, except this book is incredibly short and in verse (which makes it even shorter) and you simply cannot cover that many topics in any amount of depth. So I felt like I was watching an After School Special on fast-forward. I didn't have time to care about most of what was happening before we were moving on to a new thing. And some of it didn't even make sense or feel authentic to the start of the story, especially the end.

I also could not have cared less about the main character. Actually, maybe that isn't true. I can't quite decide if I didn't like her, or was apathetic toward her, but regardless, I couldn't connect to her in any way.

Bottom Line: I know a lot of people did like this, so maybe it is a "me" thing? So if it sounds like your kind of thing, it could still be worth a shot- plus, it's short if you don't like it ;)

**Copy provided by publisher for review

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  • Started reading
  • 19 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 19 April, 2016: Reviewed