Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I like reading paranormal romance books. More so if they are about shifters. I don’t care what kind of shifter it is if there is one in the book it is almost a guarantee that I will like it. When the author approached me to read/review Cold Fire, I jumped on it. I am glad that I did because Cold Fire was right up my alley. Besides the shifters, Cold Fire had a great plotline. The characters were likable. I couldn’t put this book down and I was not happy when it ended.

Cold Fire had an original plotline. Earth has been scheduled for the alien version of a demolition and was considered a free for all. Faro went there to harvest much-needed resources for his home planet. What he didn’t expect was to find his mate. Will he return to his planet a hero? Will he bring his mate? Or will he leave her to perish on Earth? You need to read to find out.

While I have read versions of the plotline I barely detailed above, I haven’t been drawn into any of them like Cold Fire. The urgency of mining what their home planet needed came across vividly. None of them liked what was going to happen to Earth. The whole back story about why Earth was being scavenged was very original.

I loved that Alaska was used as the main backdrop of the story. I haven’t read a lot of books with Alaska as the setting. I loved it!! Alaska is on my bucket list to visit and I gobble up anything to do with it. I felt that the author did a great job explaining the climate, the geography, and the animal life correctly.

Amy was one of my favorite characters in the book. Her grief over her father’s death was palpable in the first chapters that introduced her. I was driven to tears over her remembering her father. I loved that she kept running the inn in his memory. I also loved that she kept the reindeer. Her interactions with Faro were hilarious. She kept trying to deny that she was attracted to him. I was outright laughing.

I liked Faro. I liked how the author didn’t reveal everything about him in the beginning. Sure, he was a dragon shifter who liked the ladies. But his other talents came out as the book went on. I liked how he went from being this horny guy to the man willing to do anything for his mate. Even if that meant….read the book!!!

The romance between Faro and Amy was hot and heavy. Oh so hot and heavy. They were like bunnies, doing it everywhere and anywhere. I had to fan myself after a couple of scenes.

Like I said above, I am a sucker for shifters. What I liked was that the shifter part of the book was in the background and not thrust into your face every chapter. Actually, Faro only shifted once. But his shifter abilities did manifest in other ways. I liked that the author kept what Faro could do until the middle of the book. As a reader, it kept me hooked to the book.

Of course, the secondary characters make the book. What I liked is that not all the secondary characters were human.

The end of Cold Fire was great. I loved that most of the storylines were resolved in ways that satisfied me as a reader. The author left enough open at the end of the book for book 2 to take place. Which I can’t wait to read!!

I would give Cold Fire an Adult rating. There is graphic sex. There is also mild violence and language. I would not recommend for anyone under the age of 21 to read Cold Fire. This is a book that I would reread. I would also recommend to family and friends but with a warning about the graphic sex.

I would like to thank Emma Layne for allowing me to read and review Cold Fire.

All opinions stated in this review of Cold Fire are mine.

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • 21 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 21 February, 2018: Reviewed