The Savage Blue by Zoraida Cordova

The Savage Blue (Vicious Deep, #2)

by Zoraida Córdova

A storm is coming...

The ocean is a vicious place. Deeper and darker than Tristan could have imagined. Beneath its calm blue surface, an ancient battle is churning —and no one is safe.

In the quest for the Sea Throne, Tristan has already watched one good friend die. Now he must lead the rest on a dangerous voyage in search of the trident that will make him king. But while Tristan chases his destiny, the dark forces racing against him are getting stronger, and the sea witch of his nightmares is getting closer.

Battling sea dragons and savage creatures of the deep,...

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Reviewed by ladygrey on

3 of 5 stars

This was an alright book. It was very plot focused and there was a whole lot of story in this world, a lot of angles and lot of things happening. Which was fine. I liked the characters well enough but I don't think quite as much as from the first book. Like a lot of sequels the characters just seemed to lose some of their dynamic that made them fun in the first book. But I also don't remember the first one that entirely - so I'm basing that more on impression than solid memory. And I don't think I found it quite as funny, though there were a couple of good moments here or there. I did like the new characters that were introduced and brought new flavor to the story.

Overall, though, I liked it ok but didn't love anything particular about it.

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  • 2 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2013: Reviewed
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  • 2 September, 2013: Reviewed