Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

Wow ... wow ... wow! This series is SO different than her last and I'm loving the way it's going. Dollars picks up where it left off in Pennies and as always, it's a dual POV, which is needed for this series.Pimlico was stolen, sold, and rescued, but only to be stolen again by Elder Prest.

With Elder, we see the light and dark that he constantly battles with. And throughout the entire book, he tries so hard to fight the dark side of him,which we get little glimpses of.

Elder and Pim are what each other needs. And as the series goes on, little by little, I believe they'll work through those layers. The connection between these two are unlike no other. The fact that Pim is "unable" to verbally speak and Elder can read/understand her like the back of his hand. It's phenomenal. He's literally a mind reader! There's no way to hide anything from him.

But that's what I love about Elder, he's a no game kind of guy. He'll give it to you straight and some of my favorite moments is when he leaves decisions up to her. Pim needs that because she's been told what to do for a while. She hasn't had a voice ever since she was a sold. And bit by bit, he's giving it back for her. Pim needs that control back in her life, however, I think she needs a little bit of Elder's demanding/controlling side. But that's where the trust is needed before anything goes beyond on that.

For Pepper's books, both characters are always trying to weather some storm. It's definite that Pim and Elder have to fight their own demons, but it seems like they have to do it together. To gain that trust in each other and let those barriers down. The slow burn between these two makes it so as the reader, we're keeping right with them on the emotion scale.

You'll be wanting for so many things to happen, for Pim to finally speak, even though we "hear" so much of her. And for Elder to just let ... go. He needs to, just as much as Pim does.

Pepper, I have no idea how you do this with each of your series. You emotionally gutted me with the Indebted series and here I was expecting the same with this one, which you have, but in a different way. You've brought something new to us, but still ignite the same raw emotions. You create such beautifully complex characters and we live to read line by line on how it will all unfold into our happily ever after.

And I end this review with ... THAT ending! Oh ... my ... goodness. It was the moment I've been waiting for and just ... wow! It was torturing having to wait until the very end, but it was all worth it. And it revealed so much! Like always, I'm eager for the next one!

Well done, Pepper!

**ARC was provided for an honest review**

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  • Started reading
  • 14 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2016: Reviewed