Reviewed by stressedrach on
Which I think she was, She thought her own mother didn’t love her as she was put into foster care. Her foster brother got a little fresh with her and it ended with her hitting him with a baseball bat. Who wouldn’t rebel and hate the world if you had an upbringing like Kyra?
Being told she would be found one last foster home and to make a go of it unless she wants to go to Juvenile Detention she was taken to a small town where her new foster parents awaited her.
Jeff and Justine, They were a little weird to be honest, church goers and proper, not like Kyra at all, But she tried her very best to make it work with them.
I did grow to love Kyra’s character she was hard on the outside but she did care really she had just built walls up to stop herself getting hurt.
The book was crammed with danger, betrayal, secrets ,love and friendship which all unfolds really well as the story goes on.
I must admit the first few pages of reading the book was a bit slow and I was dubious that it would be slow book however I am happy to say that carrying on after those few pages and I was drawn into it.
The details in the book were well described which made me imagining this small town, the houses, Kyra and the other characters in the book, very easy.
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- Started reading
- 7 February, 2012: Finished reading
- 7 February, 2012: Reviewed