Reviewed by Bookbee on

4 of 5 stars

The continuing story of Corey and Ian, first met in [b:Render|7891067|Render (Beautiful #1.5)|J.M. Snyder||11118766]. Corey is struggling with the emptiness of his life as a rock star - a different city, a different girl - until he finally realizes that what he has been searching and yearning for has been right there beside him all along. Ian has been carrying a torch for Corey since they first met but watching Corey go through women like 'Kleenex' has forced him to keep his feelings to least until Corey's epiphany. But Ian doesn't trust Corey not to break his heart by tossing him aside as soon as he gets what he wants.

I liked the slow development of the new aspect to Corey and Ian's relationship. I liked how they stumbled in their understanding of themselves and each other but ultimately found their way to each other. I'm glad there is a sequel - [b:Encore|11206125|Encore (Beautiful #2.5)|J.M. Snyder||16131358] - to continue this charming and sweet story.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2011: Reviewed