Proceed With Caution:
This book contains blood, death, violence, murder, an execution, abortion, slavery, racism, and rape.
The Basics:
Drums of Autumn is the fourth book of the series, and it would be in your best interest to read the previous three books to fully understand what's going on here. This time we're covering a period of time from 1767 to 1770 in the American Colonies, and a smaller period of time back in the present. Claire and Jamie are looking for a place to settle down together, finally, while Brianna and Roger are figuring out their own lives in Boston and Oxford. But nothing comes easy to either couple.
My Thoughts:
I've put off reading Drums of Autumn for far too long. This book is a huge commitment and I wasn't sure I was ready for it. I wasn't convinced that I would still be interested after the events of Voyager. I mean, Jamie and Claire have been reunited, everyone is safe and sound, what else is there? Well, a lot more! I'll admit that I was bored for the first several chapters. I couldn't see where this was going or why all this mattered, but once Jamie and Claire meet his aunt and stake out their future homestead, I was hooked!
Drums of Autumn is all bout new beginnings and forgiveness. Whatever happened in the past (and the future, which is also technically the past) is in the past, and all anyone can do is move forward. Jamie and Claire are settling down in Fraser's Ridge, in the mountains of North Carolina. They're going to live a simple farming life, but that is not what fate has in store for them. Sooo much happens during the three-ish years we're with them out there. Even using the toilet is an ordeal!
Meanwhile, back in the present, Brianna and Roger have been researching her parents and stumble upon some distressing information. Of course, this leads them to their own future which is in the past. Gotta love time travel! It's not an easy journey and things definitely do not go as planned, but I was right there with them! I've come to care for them nearly as much as Claire and Jamie. They have different struggles to work through, but I have faith that they will make it through!
I also just have to say that I adore Rollo, Ian's wolf-dog. He is the cutest, precious big boy! He legit stole every scene he was in. Maybe I'm just a sucker for dogs, but whatever. I'll miss him. Hopefully, he'll make an appearance in the next book.
Drums of Autumn was another great entry to this epic series. It's massive, and a ton happens. It was an emotional rollercoaster! So many ups and downs for everybody, but in the end, it's looking up. At least I hope so. I may have been left wondering what else there could possibly be after this, but I won't be fooled again! I know something big is coming!