Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

What some people might not know about me is that I'm kind of an adrenaline junkie. Since I can't do a lot of things that give you that thrill, I get my fix through books like "Surviving Raine".

I don't know what I was expecting when I started to read this book, but getting up close and personal with the mind of Sebastian Stark was not one of them. Women love the bad boy and Sebastian is the epitome of the stereotype. His life from a young age was kill or be killed. On the exterior, Sebastian is the foul mouthed, alcoholic version of Bear Grylls from Man vs Wild. On the inside, Raine brings out the man that would do anything for the ones he loves and loves fiercely.

While this is a love story, it is written completely from a man's point of view. With this story it really works. I don't think you would get the whole picture of his character if it didn't come straight from him. Raine has a hard time getting him to open up, but when he does, bit by bit, she brings out the man he was always meant to be.

You might think being stuck with a stranger in the middle of the ocean might be boring, but Savage gives us an adventure at every turn. This book is made up of life changing moments that give the reader the sense that they are making the decisions with him. His attraction toward Raine is instant, even when she is still unconscious. He has perceived her as a dimwit heiress when in actuality she's the daughter of a cop who died in the line of duty. He doesn't usually go for someone who doesn't collect money from the bedside table at the end of their tryst. With Raine, the forced isolation and the innate will to survive, Sebastian shows that he is a man capable of real love and compassion, not the mindless killing machine he once was.

Savage created a thrill on every page and a twist in every chapter. She kept me guessing at every turn which made the read all that more exciting. When you take on this monster, make sure to have your supplies with you. This is one that you will want to read straight through until the end.

While this chapter of the story has come to an end, Savage has more in store for Sebastian and Raine. There is a planned second book in the series and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 May, 2013: Reviewed