Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Mocha review of Test Drive

With 60 ml of espresso, 60 ml of chocolate and 30 ml of steamed milk, a mocha is a the right choice if you want something sweet and sexy. Test Drive delivered the perfect Mocha coffee and I've broken it down for you....

  • Espresso: Marie Harte gives you characters who are a little rough around the edges but very real. Johnny Devlin was raised by his father, the owner of a local strip club and he did a little time as a young adult when he went for a joyride in a stolen car. Jonny is a definite ladies’ man, he now works at Webster’s Garage and loves his job as a mechanic. He has tried to get Lara Valley to go out on date with him for four years. He has it bad. Lara is looking to move up and out of this town, and dating guys who hang out at the local pub is not on the agenda. However, if you ask her she will tell you that Johnny is F-I-N-E fine. Harte did a great job of introducing us to both characters. I liked the chemistry between them and knew from the get go the romance would be hot.

  • Steamed Milk: One of the things I like about Harte’s books is the way she combines small-town charm with the heat I love in other contemporary romance. We get to know the guys at the shop, both characters families and have a strong sense of what life was like for both growing up. The added bonus of seeing characters from the McCauley Brothers series was sweet. Secondary characters like Lara’s sister and Foley added depth. Lara’s nieces had me giggling so hard I had tears in my eyes. All of the side threads pulled me into the series and has me craving the next book.

  • Chocolate: Test Drive had some deliciously hot moments that will take you from zero to sixty and wait until you hear that engine purr. For a rough and tumble dude our Johnny is quite the romantic. He was adorkable, ungodly sexy, over the top obnoxious with his sexual innuendos but I fell hard and fast. The relationship moved slowly despite the intense heat and I loved the way these two conversed about everything from movies to neighborhoods. Harte threw in a little jealously, some stupidity and a small dose of angst as individually our characters went through some growing pains. Trust me none of this spoiled the chocolate and all of it had me flipping the pages in search of my HEA. The tale wraps up nicely and sets us up for the next body shop bad boy.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 1 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 1 May, 2016: Reviewed