Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

5 of 5 stars

This book literally squeezed my heart so tight it ached long after I finished it. You know the feeling? That sinking pit in your stomach; the sudden urge to cry; the emotions of anguish and of hope. Most importantly though; the power of love, friendship, and healing. This is an emotionally heavy book but other parts are more lighthearted through Adam's character; who also makes an excellent role model for kindness and empathy.

Since this is marketed as a YA book, I feel it necessary to mention a few things for young readers. I would classify this as an "Upper Grade" level book and would not recommend for children younger than 14. The writing style is simple, but physical child abuse and psychological torture are central to the plot, some of which is depicted graphically and might be hard for sensitive readers. No sexual abuse is involved.

As a previous foster parent, I was truly moved by this story. The ending lacks an epilogue, but you do get a glimpse of Julien’s future and we aren’t left with a cliffhanger. This to me, felt the most authentic of all. Healing takes different forms and various measures of time and I think that’s exactly the message the author was trying to portray in the end.

Favorite quote:
“Hate ricochets, but kindness does too.”

The author also does a fantastic job latching you on to every single page that you literally cannot put it down. Read this book!

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  • Started reading
  • 3 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 3 May, 2018: Reviewed